Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Hi all!,
   I finished Genesis tonight. Pretty good for starting it last night. This is one ofthe more interesting Books of the Bible as it has many of the stories that most people recognize from the Bible including the stories about Joseph, Abraham, Noah, and a few more. It is a lot of history crammed into only 66 pages. There are not a lot of details that we are used to from contemporary books but more the details of geneology. Most people that I have discussed this with find the geneology parts to be annoying but I think that they show what was important during the time period. In contemporary books and other forms of writing, there is details on the environment of the story line, people's appearance, and transitions between stories. There are no fluent transitions between chapters and stories. This will be interesting to monitor over the rest of hte Bible to see if all the books continue to have no transitions or if as time goes on that transitions become more like contemporary books.
  Also today was the first day of classes. We mainly discussed the syllabus and how the rest of the semester was going to proceed. A few of the interesting points we talked about were the other books that are going to be read and discussed this semester. These books sounded like they will be very interesting to read along side of the Bible and will give a different perspective when considering the Bible as a literary book instead of a purely religious book. That was mainly the gist of today's class session.
Enjoy the first week of school everyone!